“Officially getting into the swing of our CI, our second meeting on January 22, 2015 was centered on the topic of how to develop valid research questions. We started off analyzing Arnould and Thompson’s 2007 research on Consumer Culture Theory, and really focused in on Table 1 in this piece, which demonstrates the wide variety of work done so far in CCT research contexts and their corresponding theoretical interests.
I cannot speak for everyone, but I was so excited to see the wide variety of interesting topics that have been done in this field. For me, gone were the ideas of boring research, replaced by examples of everything from consumer motivations behind sky diving to Burning Man festival participation. The thing that brought all of these items together is that they all answer some unique question- an ideal aspect we should focus our own research on.
After examining this list, we made lists of our own of contexts that we are personally interested in doing further research in and the unique question behind each one of them. I cannot wait to see how my teammates as well as myself take these original ideas and create our own research in the future!”
Kristy, Â February 2015
From Left: Billie, Kristy, Kaitlyn, Julie, Greyson and Rachael Discussing Research Contexts