ADHD Brain Training

Students diagnosed with ADHD struggle to achieve academic success all over the country. Currently, the only available treatment is through medication.Our team is responsible for  the analysis of brain wave activity of students with ADHD, while they perform different tasks at hand. The first step in our research is to focus on one case study in order to gain a firm understanding of the overarching problem and possible solutions. We are currently developing cognitive tests that will help us identify critical performance characteristics within the brain activity of those diagnosed with this disorder. While the student is performing these tests, we will record his/her brain wave activity. In the final phase, we will utilize experimental design to develop training methods constructed to help the student improve control over his/her symptoms and assess performance over time.


  • All students take initial Psytoolkit tests prior to beginning training: ABBA, Multitasking, and Wisconsin Card Sorting Task
  • Psytoolkit tests are then taken monthly
  • Brain training students complete daily Brain HQ training – one session per week is recorded for analysis

Experiment Goals

  • Collect cognitive load and stress level data throughout mental and physical training programs
  • Analyze data to determine progress made as a result of the training
  • Determine effect of training on neuropsychological test performance