Week 10


Week 10 was basically a culmination of many things coming together. We’re finally being able to finalize things for ISAM and even realize our goal. The software team was able to connect to a MySQL server in order to use it for authentication, and the hardware team got our PCB boards printed and delivered. We also finished the poster that we will have on display at ISAM. At this point it’s a process of getting our alpha product put together and ready to display. Goals for this week are finishing plans for ISAM, prettying up our design, and getting our code to run indefinitely, intuitively visually, and ideally bug free. We were able to get our code to run indefinitely and our code hasn’t had any issues thus far, so we’re excited for a successful showing at ISAM!


Displaying our ideal housing.
Displaying our ideal housing.
Showing our working program.
The code to our working program.
Brice demos the poster for ISAM.

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